Every day that your child is absent from school you should call the school’s automated Absence Line on 01434 381236, before 8.40am if possible.

You will be asked to provide the following information:

– Student’s name
– Form group
– Reason for absence
– Your name
– Your relationship to the student
– Your contact number

  • Any concerns regarding your child’s absence should be discussed directly with their Head of Key Stage.
  • If you child does not attend registration, taken during period 1, and you have not contacted us to report their absence, you will receive a phone call from us. The purpose of this is to give a reason for their absence. This will enable us to update your child’s attendance record.
  • On days where we experience adverse weather conditions and school transport is affected, an absence text will not be sent. However you will receive a text message to inform you should this be the case.